
Искатель @сокровищ
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Интересный сайтик. Неологизмы и просто ассоциации. Для изучающих английский может быть полезен.

Определения русского оттуда. Переведу как смогу.

1. russian
A fascinating language spoken by nearly 300 million people worldwide. It is somewhat difficult to pick up because of its six noun cases, but it is the vehicle of one of the world's richest and most beautiful literatures. Much harder than Spanish but more interesting.
Whoa, this Russian grammar book sure is hard!


2. russian
sex in which a man places his penis between a woman's breasts and jerks himself off with them
"I did a Russian on that girl over there with the huge boobs."


3. russian
1. A person from Russia.
A. Russian Girl - Hot petite sexy girls that love sex.
B. Russian Guy - Usually connected to the Russian mafia which is more powerful and scarier than the Italian mafia, dresses sometimes similar to an Italian but without the 'sisters pants', wears a leather jacket and has thick Gucci chains around neck. Also usually drives S class mercedes.
2. A really smart person. As in chess, math, rocket science, programming etc.


4. russian
is a person with a high taste for vodka, weed, cars, music, and guns. president is V Putin who has like a black belt in martial arts and is an ex KGB officer.


5. russian
1.Has balls to say what he thinks.
2.Able to go to school and get good grades and at the same time at night, to party his ass off.
4.Who hates americans who doesnt know what russia is but the first ones to talk shit


6. russian
adj; a word of, interestingly, english background;
- as in male: smart, intelligent; the one that never attended any of the lectures in college but still has gotten a nice solid B; person that can tell you wtf (я так понимаю, что это значит What The Fuking) War and Peace is all about and wtf are the antibodies;
- as in female: strikingly beautiful, intelligent, but with an awful attitude, the one that can play Diablo and drink vodka better than her twin brother.
-Hey have you seen that russian that has never attended a lecture?
-Yeah hes pretty drunk and just solved the Bermud triangle.


7. Russian
Russians do have the balls to say what they think. Of course, this used to get them killed under the Stalin regime.

Меня также позабавило, что многие фразы, в которых используется слово "русский" имеет сексуальный подтекст.

russian attack
The unexpected, sometimes(though not often)accidental, intrusion into the "wrong hole". Often occurs in the heat of the moment, and can be catastrophic to a relationship, especially if no lubrication is involved.
"Yeah I gave that chick a russian attack last night, it was funny as hell....but I'm not to sure she was happy"

Осторожно НЦ-17

Russian Sex Roulette
A game that is played by many Japanese high schoolers. A group of teens, with an equal number of boys and girls, gather at a private place. The boys and girls all pair up and have unprotected sex. After all the boys ejaculate, the couples switch partners. This continues until every boy has had sex with every girl (and visa versa). Now because the girls are at different stages in their cycles, some will not get pregnant (they escaped the bullet as in Russian roulette) and some will get pregnant (they got the bullet as in Russian roulette). But unlike the real Russian roulette, for the girls who got the bullet in this game there is a way out. Because, prior to playing, each player is required to put 5000 yen into a pool called "ejaculation insurance". The collected money is then used to pay for the abortions of any pregnancies that result.


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@темы: Свое, Прислано по U-mail

09.02.2009 в 11:41

Евгения Персиваль Вульфрик Брайан Дамблдор
особенно русская рулетка понравилась!
09.02.2009 в 11:53

I didn’t slap you, I high fived your face
Опа! Японцы креативно развлекаются:lol::lol::lol:
09.02.2009 в 12:23

последнее это ппц..)
09.02.2009 в 12:29

«Этот старый мир весьма забавен. Над ним нельзя не смеяться. Ведь если не смеяться, можно сойти с ума» © Т.Пратчетт
ОМГ :lol: :lol: :lol: Автору пять :lol:
09.02.2009 в 12:47

мир в ладонях
4.Who hates americans who doesnt know what russia is but the first ones to talk shit
Ненавидит американцев которые незнают что такое Россия (и первые (имеются ввиду американцы) что врут всякую фигню)
09.02.2009 в 12:55

про президента очень символично..)
09.02.2009 в 15:09

Не играть дьявола, а играть в "Диабло". Компьютерная игрушка.
10.02.2009 в 19:54

Фандом СПН окрыля-я-е-т! | Это безумие!? Это МишМиш!!! _______________________ аццкое зло (с)p_m; зараза (с)archgavriil; Реактивный Хомячок (с)Ill; Извращенец-самоучка(с)Дин
:alles: russian attack убило
11.02.2009 в 11:32

Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.
Этот сайт действительно стоит того, давно открыла его для себя)

А вот по поводу определения Who hates americans who doesnt know what russia is but the first ones to talk shit совершенно согласна)