Хоббит читает "Хоббита" )
Жаль, только отрывочек )
Евгений Леонов читает отрывок из "Хоббита", 1981 from SAVOKname on Vimeo.
И подборка иллюстраций к "Хоббиту" разных художников.
Mikhail Belomlinsky’s scratchboard Hobbitses:
Ещё многоEleanor Grosch’s Bilbo enjoying simple pleasures.
The whole story told in the round, by Ian Escobar Loos:
Cory Godbey’s simple yet heroic Bilbo:
Super-cute Bilbo and Gandalf by António Quadros:
From German illustrator Klaus Ensikat:
John Howe—famous, of course, for being the lead artist on the Peter Jackson movies—has a long and wonderful history of painting Middle-earth:
Jonny Hodgson’s painting based largely on Tolkien’s Smaug graphic:
And a pen-and-ink, also from Frank Frazetta:
Randy Berrett, now working his magic at Pixar:
A drunken Galion from I. Hmielnickij:
As I mentioned, this whole post could be full of Alan Lee; here are two more because I couldn’t resist:
And it seemed fitting to end on J. R. R. Tolkien’s own cover for The Hobbit, There and Back Again:
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